What makes our market different

A True Farm-to-Table Experience

At Peterborough Regional Farmers' Market, we pride ourselves on offering a genuine farm-to-table experience. Our market is a TRUE farmers’ market, distinguished by its dedication to ensuring that everything you see at the farmer’s booth for sale has been grown or produced locally.

Unlike markets that source food from distant food terminals, our vendors are committed to selling 100% of what they grow and produce themselves. This commitment means that every item you purchase directly supports local farmers and producers, ensuring you enjoy the freshest, most flavorful products available.

Freshly Harvested

The freshness of our market’s offerings is unreal! Since our vendors grow their produce, raise their bees or their livestock, the goods you buy have often been harvested or prepared just hours before reaching the market.

This direct-from-the-farm approach not only guarantees exceptional quality but also provides a unique opportunity to enjoy the true flavors of our region’s agricultural bounty.

Supporting Local Agriculture. An investment in the future of food.

By shopping at Peterborough Regional Farmers' Market, you are directly supporting local agriculture. Our vendors are passionate about their work and are deeply invested in the sustainability of their farms. When you purchase from us, you’re helping to sustain local farms and preserve the region’s agricultural heritage.

That means our community continues to be able to grow food actually grown here instead of being flown in from other countries and passed off as seasonal produce.

Building Stronger Community Connections

Our market is more than just a place to buy fresh produce—it’s a vibrant community hub. By focusing exclusively on locally-grown and produced goods, we foster a strong connection between consumers and the land.

Experience the difference at Peterborough Regional Farmers' Market!

See you at the market!

—PTBO Regional Farmers’ Market Team


Safely Sharing Space at the Market.


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